Cloud Computing
Adtech has transformed several businesses and has made their data highly secure with reliable cloud computing services. With increasing insecurity towards data stored in local hardware, Adtech offers incredible cloud computing services to run your business effectively in the digital space.
Cloud computing has made a huge impact on the fields of education, information technology, business, telecommunication and several others. ADTECH’s cloud services are highly efficient and cost effective.
We provide:
Web Based Cloud Computing
Instead of developing a full application, companies can use the functionality provided by web services for their needs.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Without worrying about storage and other issues, companies can access functionality of the certain software.
Platform as a Service (Paas)
Applications can be run on the clouds service’s platform without having to maintain any servers and hard drives.
Utility Services
All data of a company can be stored remotely and clients can even build their own virtual data center.